How to Stand Out, Speak Up and become KNOWN in your industry

Because you know you are meant for so much more than being vanilla

You've always been an ambitious, over-achieving, go-getter.

Now it's time to leverage that hard work into being an influential player in your organization.

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    You work incredibly hard. But the promotions and recognition just aren't coming the way they used to.

    In a world in which women are still judged and evaluated more harshly than men, being perfect isn't a strategic advantage.

    Powerful women know it is about being able to stand out without selling out.

    If you:

    • know you could be having a MUCH bigger impact in the world
    • are tired of competing with the Chads
    • want to give less f*cks about everyone else's opinion
    • know you are working hard, but aren't sure how to translate that into being a respected voice at the table
    • want to be influential without being fake or feeling like you are selling your soul

    Come learn about how to leverage all the hard work you have already done into greater influence so you can have an outsized impact, without putting in more hours.

    Join Us December 8th at 11am Eastern

    You'll learn how to:

    • What the new playbook of work requires
    • Stop fitting into the mold that makes you forgettable
    • Turn your skills and talents into a unique selling proposition
    • Create a system of working that supports you
    • Make the time you have the most productive hours

    Meet your host, Emily

    Emily Feairs is a leadership and executive coach who helps ambitious women blow past the status quo to have stand out careers and lives. She is a mom of two boys and likes to rant about equity, modern leadership, and how 90's hip hop will always reign supreme.